Anti-Spam Policy

Spammers Not Welcome Here.

This should go without saying, but we'll say it anyway: it's not OK to spam people. If you try, we will immediately close your Avante Garde Marketing account. You will not get any refund. Chances are, you already knew spam is bad. And as an email recipient, you know it when you see it. It's important that as a sender, you know what spam is, too. We'd hate to see you make the mistake of spamming anyone with your email marketing campaign. So let's talk about what spam is and what happens if you do it at Avante Garde Marketing.

What Is Spam?

Ask 10 different people that question, and you'll probably get 10 different answers.

Email senders (like Avante Garde Marketing) tend to use the textbook definition: Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE). You can read more about this definition at Spamhaus. UBE is a useful definition: it points out that some things that might be OK to do on a 1-to-1 basis (like send an email about your company to someone who has never heard of you) are not OK to do in bulk. But it's not a perfect one. Many things are not UBE but are considered spam by most people, including us. Instead of trying to create a definition of spam that covers every possible scenario, let's look at a few things that we will consider spamming. We think this will give you a pretty good idea of what not to do.

Things You May Not Do With Avante Garde Marketing

These aren't the only things we might consider spam. But they're a good guide.

What Happens If I Spam, Or Try To Spam?

If we find that you are spamming, or trying to spam, with your Avante Garde Marketing account:

Note: we don't presume guilt. We investigate all potential spam incidents thoroughly before making a decision. But once we've made a decision, we act fast.

I Have Questions About Avante Garde Marketing's Anti-Spam Policy. Who Do I Talk To?

We're happy to answer any questions you have about spam and our anti-spam policy. Just send an email to [email protected].